Student Engagement - A Vision for the Future

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Research has demonstrated that engaging students in the learning process increase their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experiences. When students are engaged they are learning with their peers, they are developing leadership skills, making friends, learning life skills, getting higher grades, learning inclusive practices, interpersonal skills and having fun. The Palliser School Division is on a continuous journey of striving towards teaching excellence to maximize student learning and potential. We strongly believe student and parent voices must be included as part of the process. Although we cannot predict the types of jobs that will exist in the future we know that our students will need a variety of skills. What are the BEST ways to provide students with authentic, unique and innovative learning experiences? As we look to the future, how do we ensure that our students will be successful? We will focus on the three themes:

  1. Learning Experience such as Dual Credit Courses, RAP, Green Certificate, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Arts)
  2. Learning Competencies such as Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Life Skills
  3. Easing Transitions to Post Secondary Life (work & education related)

Research has demonstrated that engaging students in the learning process increase their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experiences. When students are engaged they are learning with their peers, they are developing leadership skills, making friends, learning life skills, getting higher grades, learning inclusive practices, interpersonal skills and having fun. The Palliser School Division is on a continuous journey of striving towards teaching excellence to maximize student learning and potential. We strongly believe student and parent voices must be included as part of the process. Although we cannot predict the types of jobs that will exist in the future we know that our students will need a variety of skills. What are the BEST ways to provide students with authentic, unique and innovative learning experiences? As we look to the future, how do we ensure that our students will be successful? We will focus on the three themes:

  1. Learning Experience such as Dual Credit Courses, RAP, Green Certificate, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Arts)
  2. Learning Competencies such as Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Life Skills
  3. Easing Transitions to Post Secondary Life (work & education related)

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  • Share Medical Terminology Dual Credit on Facebook Share Medical Terminology Dual Credit on Twitter Share Medical Terminology Dual Credit on Linkedin Email Medical Terminology Dual Credit link

    Medical Terminology Dual Credit

    by CFoster, over 3 years ago

    I think that the course is very well laid out and doesn't take too much extra time as long as I make sure I'm on top of it. I really appreciate the schedule that I was given as opposed to other online courses I've taken that didn't have any sort of timeline. I'm also glad that I have previously taken Bio 30 before taking this course because I've found that it was very helpful and I already knew some of the content. This course is great for anyone who plans to do anything in medicine.

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    Experience as a Pharmacy Assistant

    by Fatema , over 3 years ago
    The Pharmacy Assistant program was one I was deeply looking forward to as it tied into my healthcare future aspirations. Off the bat, this program allowed me to learn valuable and insightful information into the healthcare field including but not limited to, healthcare professionalism and body systems. In my day-to-day life, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in the way I’ve learned to apply skills such as being methodical, quick, and professional. I’ve come to appreciate the knowledge I’ve acquired about drugs and their interactions on the human body on a new level of understanding. It definitely helps being able to... Continue reading
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Page published: 15 Apr 2021, 03:34 PM