Experience as a Pharmacy Assistant

The Pharmacy Assistant program was one I was deeply looking forward to as it tied into my healthcare future aspirations. Off the bat, this program allowed me to learn valuable and insightful information into the healthcare field including but not limited to, healthcare professionalism and body systems. In my day-to-day life, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in the way I’ve learned to apply skills such as being methodical, quick, and professional. I’ve come to appreciate the knowledge I’ve acquired about drugs and their interactions on the human body on a new level of understanding. It definitely helps being able to read any medication bottle and understand what it most likely is used for.

Aside from drugs, learning about equipment used and understanding how they work through using it was an enjoyable experience. The practicum portion allowed me a real life experience into what it means to work in healthcare, and helped me hone into the skills that I was taught to succeed during times of stress. Overall, this program was something I am proud of accomplishing!
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